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Masterlinq Support

How To: Setup Lightspeed POS settings

After you have connected your Lightspeed account within Masterlinq, you will have several settings to configure to ensure order processing and inventory syncing happens the way you want.

First, ensure you complete the Lightspeed location mapping within Masterlinq. A couple of key points to notice here:

  • The top name is your Lightspeed account name

  • The dropdown menu that you are selecting is the Shopify location you want to sync to for that specific location

  • Priority sets which location orders should be allocated to, if inventory exists are more than one location.

Include POS Sync Items Online

By turning this setting on, you are telling Masterlinq to sync Lightspeed products to Shopify.

Note, the connection between Lightspeed items and Masterlinq items is based on UPC/Barcode. If your Ligthspeed items are missing UPCs, the system will not match it with any item.

If the item is not a Masterlinq item, the system will attempt to match based on Lightspeed System Sku (number that starts with 210000). When you create custom items (bikes, clothing, etc.) ensure you use this value to ensure the sync.

Inventory Adjustment

If this setting is enabled and items are allocated to your retail store, Masterlinq will make an inventory adjustment for you on items that are sold. Note, Masterlinq will not create a sale, it will simply adjust the quantity.

Product Prices

If you wish to sync Lightspeed prices on matched items, select "Lightspeed Pricing" as your setting. This will carry over your stores price to Shopify. If no match exists, Masterlinq will revert to MAP pricing.

Lightspeed Stock Priority

Retailers can select first or last for your retail stores stock priority. If you select "Last", Masterlinq will attempt to fulfill items from supplier before using your own stock.

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